FIS Money Advice

Zur Vorbereitung der Konferenz fanden ab September 2005 weltweit nationale Konferenzen statt:


Genf, 30. September 2005: „Finanzwirtschaft und Gesellschaft: Partner oder Gegner"

Berlin, 24. Oktober 2005: „Verantwortungsvolle Kreditvergabe"

London, 14/15. November 2005: „Schulden an der Haustür, Faire Kreditgeschäfte und Verantwortliche Kreditvergabe "

Hamburg, 17/18. Februar 2006: „Verantwortung im Verbraucherkredit“

Athen, 24. Februar 2006: „Responsible lending: defense against consumers’ over-indebtedness"

La Valetta, 17/18. März 2006: „Regional Consumer Law Conference: Consumer Credit including the proposed EU Directive (second panel)"

Washington, 22.-25. März 2006: Annual Meeting

  • Veranstalter:  National Community Reinvestment Coalition (National Community Reinvestmant Coalition)
  • NCRC Annual Conference "Economic Injustice: The Ongoing Hurricane" Capitol Hill, Washington D.C. March 22nd - 25th, 2006 (click here for more information).
    The NCRC Annual Conference is the premier training and networking event bringing together community and lending leaders from across Europe, the US and other nations around the workd to discuss strategies, tools and efforts to build wealth in traditionally underserved communities.
  • Programm und Inhalt:pdf file .pdf, 149 KB

Trento, 7. April 2006: „Credito Responsabile"

Paris, 10. April 2006:

Helsinki, April 2006 "The Nordic Contribution to Responsible Credit"

    Created: 18/11/05. Last changed: 28/08/06.
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