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National Conferences in 2006 / 2007:

La Valetta, March 9, 2007: "Responsible Credit Seminar" (Conference Website)

Washington, March 14/17, 2007: "Broken Economies: Making Markets & Government Work for All Communities" (Conference Website)

Helsinki, March 30, 2007: "Vastuullinen luotonanto - Onko luotolla maksaminen riistäytynyt käsistä?" ("Responsible Credit") (Conference Website)

Cape Town (South Africa), April 11/13, 2007: “Consumerism, Citizenship and Consumer Rights: Retrospective and Prospects for Consumer Law and Policy” (Conference Website)

Hamburg, May 11/12, 2007: "Geld sinnvoll nutzen – Neue Wege im Kredit" ("Using Money sensibly - New ways in Credit") (Conference Website)

Trento, May 25, 2007: "Credito al consumo e sovra-indebitamento" (ECRC portal to all papers in English or Italian) and (Uni Trento Conference Website)

Edinburgh, May 29/30, 2007: "Fair enough? UK Credit Options in 2007" (Conference Website)

Paris, June 26, 2007: "La responsabilité du prêteur dans l'octroi de crédit" ("Lender responsability in credit provision") (Conference Website)

Berlin, July 25/28, 2007: "Law & Society in the 21st Century: Transformations, Resistances, Futures"

  • Organizers: Law and Society Association ( and Research Committee on Sociology of Law (ISA) (
  • Programme: pdf fileclick here (Discussion Panels)
  • *Note that this is not a traditional stakeholder conference but more a gathering of experts.

Arlon, Belgique/Luxembourg, November 13, 2007: "Ouverture des frontières: vers un surendettement libéré ou contrôlé ?" (Link to ECRC news, in french)

Created: 02/08/06. Last changed: 24/01/13.
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