FIS Money Advice

National Conferences in 2007 / 2008 (leading up to ECRC's international conference in London on November 13-14 2008)

Washington, March 12/15, 2008: "Creating the Vision for a Fair Economy: Investing in People and Communities" (Conference Website)

Hamburg, 6th and 7th June 2008: „Kunde und Bank - Partner oder Gegner“ (Conference Website)

  • Organizer: Institute for financial services e.V. (iff)
  • Programme: pdf fileclick here
  • Info: Link to ECRC announcement of the Event in English (here)

Geneva, 3-4 October 2008: "7th International Meeting on Ethics, Finance & Responsibility" (Link to ECRC news)

Helsinki, 20 November 2008: "National seminar 2008" (Conference Website)

Zagreb, 19 November 2008: "Credit Crunch, Spending Fever and Consumer Overindebtedness" (Conference Website)

  • Organizers: The Personal Finance Counselling Association’s (PFCA)
  • Conference report: Link to ECRC news of the event (here)
  • Version of website in English using Google translate: (here)

Liverpool, 4 December 2008: "The Northern Financial Inclusion Conference 2008 – Eye on the Future"

    Created: 04/02/08. Last changed: 24/01/13.
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